lithium silikat

NanoSil 1l

2600,0 Ft

Exclusive betonpadló megjelenésének záloga a Nanosil , lithium silikat alapú betontömöritő és felületvédő oldat


A NanoSil a legújabb technológia, a lithium összetevő segítségével emelkedik a ma számon tartott legjobb betontömöritők közé.  A beton felülete ki van téve a különböző időjárási lémiai és fizikai hatásoknak, amelyek a felületét roncsolják.
A Nanosil a felületbe ivódva reakcióba lép a kötés nélküli calcium hydroxid molekulákkal és trikalcium silikat hydratot alkot velük.  így tömörebbé válik a beton A lithium összetevő ezentúl a beton savasodását is megállítja !
NanoSil uses new and exclusive lithium chemistry to make the best concrete
densifier available today. Concrete is exposed to harsh chemical, mechanical, and

atmospheric elements that can cause the concrete to deteriorate.

penetrates into the substrate where it reacts with weak calcium hydroxide
to form stronger and more stable tricalcium silicate hydrate. The lithium component
is also effective in mitigating and preventing damaging alkali-silica reactions.
ASR Protection NanoSil
is the only chemical hardener that can help mitigate
and prevent damaging alkali-silica reactions (ASR) in concrete. ASR is a worldwide
problem that occurs when the alkali in the large and fine aggregates react with the
silica in the cement and with water to form an expansive gel which can break
concrete apart. Other chemical hardeners use potassium or sodium compounds,
which can raise alkalinity and contribute to ASR. NanoSil uses exclusive lithium technology
that does not contribute to the alkalinity and can even help prevent ASR.
NanoSil penetrates the micro-channels in concrete, it reacts to form
insoluble silicate structures that seal the concrete. This helps protect the concrete
from water penetration and makes it more resistant to many types of chemicals. It
also leaves a sheen on the floor that is much easier to maintain.
Hardening NanoSil
hardens the concrete making it stronger and more abrasion
resistant. It also dust proofs the concrete, so particles of concrete will not circulate
within a building creating a health and maintenance problem.
Environmentally Safe NanoSil
contains no harmful VOC’s, carcinogens, or toxic
vapors. Application is fast and the floor is ready to use within hours.
Economical NanoSil
is much less expensive than urethanes and epoxy coatings, and much more durable.
Epoxies and Urethanes need to be stripped and reapplied every 3-5 years, at great expense.
NanoSil will not peel, tear, or wear off–one application is all that is needed.
Tömeg 1 kg